Vranduk is located in Canton ZenicaDoboj, which consists of 12 municipalities: Breza, Doboj-South, Kakanj, Maglaj, Lead, Tesanj, Usora, Vares, Visoko, Zavidovici, Zenica and Zepce. Teritorija kantona je 3.950 km2, a broj stanovnika je oko 400.000. Canton territory is 3950 km2, and the population is around 400,000. Ovo područje je uglavnom brdovito. This area is mostly mountainous. Magistralni put M-17 ide uz rijeku Bosnu, nadovezujući se na autoput Zagreb - Beograd , put Slavonski Brod - Sarajevo - Neum - Dubrovnik itd. The main road M-17 goes along the river Bosna, Following on the highway Zagreb - Beograd, time of Slavonski Brod - Sarajevo - Neum - Dubrovnik, etc. Zahvaljujući svom geografskom položaju, Zenica je povezana željezničkom prugom od Jadrana do svih većih evropskih centara. Thanks to its geographical position, Zenica is connected by railway to the Adriatic all the major European centers.
Vranduk name was first mentioned in 1410. Ovo područje je uvijek bilo od geostrateškog značaja. This area has always been of importance GEOSTRATEŠKOG. Uloga Vranduka je bila da kontrolira saobraćaj iz pravca Panonske nizije ( Mađarska i Austrija ) preko rijeke Bosne, pa do Jadrana . Role Vranduk was to control traffic from the direction of the Pannonian plain (Hungary and Austria) over the river Bosna, and to the Adriatic.
Vranduk je samo jedan od mnogih srednjovjekovnih bosanskih gradova, koji se nalaze u ovom regionu koji je predstavljao područje sa vrlo bogatim političkim, ekonomskim i kulturnim životom. Vranduk is just one of many medieval Bosnian town, which is located in this region who represented the area with a very rich political, economic and cultural life. Stari grad se sastoji od citadele sa glavnim tornjem i ostacima zidina, koje su opasavale središte srednjovjekovnog grada. The old town consists of Citadele with the main tower and the remains of walls, which are opasavale center of the medieval city. Vrlo blizu tornja je sagrađena džamija Sultana Mehmeda Fatiha. Very close to the tower was built mosque Fatih Sultan Mehmed. Prema nekim podacima, ona je sagrađena na ostacima srednjovjekovne crkve. According to some data, it was built on the ruins of a medieval church. Danas postoji i tunel, sagrađen u Drugom svjetskom ratu , i on se nalazi ispod Vranduka. Today there is a tunnel, built in the Second World War, and he is placed under Vranduk.
Vranduk je samo jedan od mnogih srednjovjekovnih bosanskih gradova, koji se nalaze u ovom regionu koji je predstavljao područje sa vrlo bogatim političkim, ekonomskim i kulturnim životom. Vranduk is just one of many medieval Bosnian town, which is located in this region who represented the area with a very rich political, economic and cultural life. Stari grad se sastoji od citadele sa glavnim tornjem i ostacima zidina, koje su opasavale središte srednjovjekovnog grada. The old town consists of Citadele with the main tower and the remains of walls, which are opasavale center of the medieval city. Vrlo blizu tornja je sagrađena džamija Sultana Mehmeda Fatiha. Very close to the tower was built mosque Fatih Sultan Mehmed. Prema nekim podacima, ona je sagrađena na ostacima srednjovjekovne crkve. According to some data, it was built on the ruins of a medieval church. Danas postoji i tunel, sagrađen u Drugom svjetskom ratu , i on se nalazi ispod Vranduka. Today there is a tunnel, built in the Second World War, and he is placed under Vranduk.
Wow good one Elvir